1A Maryborough Avenue
Kingsbury, Vic 3083
Tel: 9462 2711
Their Care : 0417 333 851
Email : kingsbury.ps@education.vic.gov.au
Website: www.kingsburyps.vic.edu.au
Thursday 24 October 2024
From the Principal,
Term 4 has got off to a great start, with students and teachers having a great impact in the classroom. It is also pleasing
to see so many students wearing the appropriate hats out on the playground. This term will be busy for a variety of
reasons, and we will be using the newsletter and Compass newsfeed to communicate all the important information
you need to know.
Our website has undergone a significant change. You may notice the next time you visit, there is a ‘language’ button
located at the bottom right of the page. This button allows the user to choose the language they feel will communicate
our information. We value the diversity of our community and want to ensure everyone is informed and connected.
Friday the 25th of October is World Teacher Day. Why celebrate teachers? World Teachers’ Day is a chance to celebrate
these amazing people who help us grow in school and life. Teachers play a huge part in children’s futures, tackle
significant challenges, and give their all every day, often without enough recognition. Most of us have at least one
teacher to thank for the time, effort, and dedication shown to us that helped shape who we are. For me, it was Mr
Montgomery who stands out to this day. He was inspiring, empathetic, kind, and importantly never wavered in
ensuring I got the best education possible. So, I say thank you to our Kingsbury staff who work tirelessly to make that
special connection to ensure your child is having the best possible start to their life.
Interschool Sport
Our senior students will be participating in several ‘Summer’ sports against other schools this term. The importance of
school sports cannot be underestimated, and Kingsbury Primary School endorses the safe competitive nature that
these occasions bring. Students learn a range of skills during this time. They also learn about teamwork, leadership,
and how to be a ‘good sport’ no matter how the results go. A reminder that the VPSSA states that to participate in
Summer Sport appropriate hats must be worn or the student cannot take part.
Continued next page…..
We are a Child Safe School.
All children have the right to feel safe and to learn.
We are committed to protecting the wellbeing of students in our care.
Friday 25th October Interschool Sports, Years 3–6
Foundation (Prep) 2025 Transition, 2.30pm—3.30pm
Monday 28th October Year 5 STEAM Challenge @ Bundoora Secondary College
Assembly, 3.00pm
Tuesday 29th October STOMP continues
Wednesday 30th October Uniform shop open for sales, 9.00am—10.00am
STOMP Presentation (Time to be confirmed)
Thursday 31st October Halloween Dress Up Day (gold coin donation)
Monday 4th November Assembly, 3.00pm
Wednesday 6th November Uniform shop open for sales, 9.00am—10.00am
Monday 11th November Assembly, 3.00pm
Wednesday 13th November Uniform shop open for sales, 9.00am—10.00am
Friday 15th November Foundation (Prep) 2025 Transition, 2.30pm—3.30pm
Monday 18th November Assembly, 3.00pm
Kingsbury, Vic 3083
Tel: 9462 2711
Their Care : 0417 333 851
Email : kingsbury.ps@education.vic.gov.au
Website: www.kingsburyps.vic.edu.au
Thursday 24 October 2024
From the Principal,
Term 4 has got off to a great start, with students and teachers having a great impact in the classroom. It is also pleasing
to see so many students wearing the appropriate hats out on the playground. This term will be busy for a variety of
reasons, and we will be using the newsletter and Compass newsfeed to communicate all the important information
you need to know.
Our website has undergone a significant change. You may notice the next time you visit, there is a ‘language’ button
located at the bottom right of the page. This button allows the user to choose the language they feel will communicate
our information. We value the diversity of our community and want to ensure everyone is informed and connected.
Friday the 25th of October is World Teacher Day. Why celebrate teachers? World Teachers’ Day is a chance to celebrate
these amazing people who help us grow in school and life. Teachers play a huge part in children’s futures, tackle
significant challenges, and give their all every day, often without enough recognition. Most of us have at least one
teacher to thank for the time, effort, and dedication shown to us that helped shape who we are. For me, it was Mr
Montgomery who stands out to this day. He was inspiring, empathetic, kind, and importantly never wavered in
ensuring I got the best education possible. So, I say thank you to our Kingsbury staff who work tirelessly to make that
special connection to ensure your child is having the best possible start to their life.
Interschool Sport
Our senior students will be participating in several ‘Summer’ sports against other schools this term. The importance of
school sports cannot be underestimated, and Kingsbury Primary School endorses the safe competitive nature that
these occasions bring. Students learn a range of skills during this time. They also learn about teamwork, leadership,
and how to be a ‘good sport’ no matter how the results go. A reminder that the VPSSA states that to participate in
Summer Sport appropriate hats must be worn or the student cannot take part.
Continued next page…..
We are a Child Safe School.
All children have the right to feel safe and to learn.
We are committed to protecting the wellbeing of students in our care.
Friday 25th October Interschool Sports, Years 3–6
Foundation (Prep) 2025 Transition, 2.30pm—3.30pm
Monday 28th October Year 5 STEAM Challenge @ Bundoora Secondary College
Assembly, 3.00pm
Tuesday 29th October STOMP continues
Wednesday 30th October Uniform shop open for sales, 9.00am—10.00am
STOMP Presentation (Time to be confirmed)
Thursday 31st October Halloween Dress Up Day (gold coin donation)
Monday 4th November Assembly, 3.00pm
Wednesday 6th November Uniform shop open for sales, 9.00am—10.00am
Monday 11th November Assembly, 3.00pm
Wednesday 13th November Uniform shop open for sales, 9.00am—10.00am
Friday 15th November Foundation (Prep) 2025 Transition, 2.30pm—3.30pm
Monday 18th November Assembly, 3.00pm
From the Principal (continued)
This term sees the return of STOMP for the first time this year. The program is designed to be innovative, fun, and
energetic for all students. The program aims to inspire and encourage ongoing well–being through
movement–based activities. They believe deeply in having fun while keeping fit. Seeing the engagement of our
students has certainly demonstrated that STOMP delivers on its promise. There will be a whole school
performance on Wednesday, October 30, at 2.30pm and we encourage all available parents and carers to come
along and enjoy the show.
School Review
2024 is a review year for Kingsbury Primary School. This essentially means that all the plans and actions we wanted
to achieve over the past 4 years are evaluated to see if we met our targets outlined in the Strategic Plan. This
allows the school to reflect on its processes and practices, celebrate achievements, and consider future directions.
Last week a full day was spent considering our achievements and generating questions that will eventually lead to
our new Strategic Plan. This is not just a process for our internal decision–makers but involves department officials,
an external reviewer, school council members, and selected staff. As we value the thoughts and skills of our
community, I strongly urge anyone with a voice to participate when the opportunity arises.
In the last newsletter, I wrote about values education and the importance they have on creating an environment
where everyone feels safe, connected and has the greatest opportunity to learn. A reminder that our school values
are: Respect – Teamwork & Cooperation – Learning – Safety – Friendship.
A few weeks ago, a link was sent out to get feedback from the community regarding how they feel about our
school values. Thank you to everyone who responded. The results were not so surprising with the bulk of
responses suggesting our values are very important to families. As you can see below, respect received a very high
What is respect and why is it important?
Respect and respectful relationships are important for a cohesive Australian society. We play a vital role in
educating students about relationships in positive, strengths–based ways. Our school provides an opportunity for
students to develop and reflect on knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours that relate to respect, inclusion, and
power. Kingsbury Primary School helps students to understand right and wrong and support them to have respect
for themselves and others.
Children form beliefs from the world around them and the values and traditions of their families and communities.
What they hear, see, talk about and experience from a young age shapes their view of the world. It is important
that all children and young people experience and learn from positive influences where they live, learn, and
Our school has been focusing on the value of respect in the past couple of weeks. This has been a great
opportunity for our students to reflect, demonstrate, and discuss their respectful interactions. If you have the
opportunity to visit the school, you will see little respect cards displayed on windows and doors for all to see. These
cards are given to students who display high levels of respect in the classroom and schoolyard.
Continued next page….
This term sees the return of STOMP for the first time this year. The program is designed to be innovative, fun, and
energetic for all students. The program aims to inspire and encourage ongoing well–being through
movement–based activities. They believe deeply in having fun while keeping fit. Seeing the engagement of our
students has certainly demonstrated that STOMP delivers on its promise. There will be a whole school
performance on Wednesday, October 30, at 2.30pm and we encourage all available parents and carers to come
along and enjoy the show.
School Review
2024 is a review year for Kingsbury Primary School. This essentially means that all the plans and actions we wanted
to achieve over the past 4 years are evaluated to see if we met our targets outlined in the Strategic Plan. This
allows the school to reflect on its processes and practices, celebrate achievements, and consider future directions.
Last week a full day was spent considering our achievements and generating questions that will eventually lead to
our new Strategic Plan. This is not just a process for our internal decision–makers but involves department officials,
an external reviewer, school council members, and selected staff. As we value the thoughts and skills of our
community, I strongly urge anyone with a voice to participate when the opportunity arises.
In the last newsletter, I wrote about values education and the importance they have on creating an environment
where everyone feels safe, connected and has the greatest opportunity to learn. A reminder that our school values
are: Respect – Teamwork & Cooperation – Learning – Safety – Friendship.
A few weeks ago, a link was sent out to get feedback from the community regarding how they feel about our
school values. Thank you to everyone who responded. The results were not so surprising with the bulk of
responses suggesting our values are very important to families. As you can see below, respect received a very high
What is respect and why is it important?
Respect and respectful relationships are important for a cohesive Australian society. We play a vital role in
educating students about relationships in positive, strengths–based ways. Our school provides an opportunity for
students to develop and reflect on knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours that relate to respect, inclusion, and
power. Kingsbury Primary School helps students to understand right and wrong and support them to have respect
for themselves and others.
Children form beliefs from the world around them and the values and traditions of their families and communities.
What they hear, see, talk about and experience from a young age shapes their view of the world. It is important
that all children and young people experience and learn from positive influences where they live, learn, and
Our school has been focusing on the value of respect in the past couple of weeks. This has been a great
opportunity for our students to reflect, demonstrate, and discuss their respectful interactions. If you have the
opportunity to visit the school, you will see little respect cards displayed on windows and doors for all to see. These
cards are given to students who display high levels of respect in the classroom and schoolyard.
Continued next page….
From the Principal (continued)
A few examples that have been brought to school assembly have been students;
Listening without interrupting when another child is talking about their learning
Using words such as please and thank you.
Supporting other students with their learning.
Waiting patiently to take their turn.
Taking the time to say good morning to a teacher and ask how they are.
The above list is only a few of the respectful behaviours on display. In short, respect means treating everyone and
everything with care. The golden rule is to treat others the way you would like to be treated.
Well done to all students who have shown exceptional respectful interactions, keep up the excellent work.
“I Can Statements”
These statements are directly linked to the Victorian Curriculum and made available in child and family friendly
speak, to assist everyone in understanding the learning for this term. We do this to make learning visible and
prepare for the learning.
Prep 2025 Transition
Tomorrow, Friday 25th October, we host our first Prep Transition day, commencing at 2.30pm, where we will
welcome our new Preps for 2025. This is always an exciting time for families and our school. There will be
another transition day on Friday 15th November.
Grade Placements for 2025
This is the time of the year when we start to explore class structures and carefully consider the best resourcing to
meet student needs. Throughout November and early December, we will be working on our class structures and
student combinations for next year. A great deal of thought, planning and time goes into placing students into
classes. Every effort is made to place each child in a learning environment that is engaging, caring and productive.
Information from parents is welcomed as part of the decision–making process, and we now invite parents to write
to us about any requests they may have for their child’s educational needs.
We do not accept requests for placement with individual teachers, however, we do take into consideration
relevant information, based on educational needs, which can help us with the placement process. Requests are to
be addressed directly to me and will be considered, but cannot be guaranteed. All requests must be in writing and
submitted no later than Thursday 14th November 2024.
Swimming Programme
Details of our upcoming swimming programme have been released on your
Compass portal. The programme is an integral part of the curriculum and we
expect that all students participate. The cost of the programme is $70.00 per
student. Payment can be made via CSEF (check with office for any balances
available), EFTPOS and cash. Please don’t hesitate to contact the office should
you require any assistance.
Warm regards,
Shaun Bishop
A few examples that have been brought to school assembly have been students;
Listening without interrupting when another child is talking about their learning
Using words such as please and thank you.
Supporting other students with their learning.
Waiting patiently to take their turn.
Taking the time to say good morning to a teacher and ask how they are.
The above list is only a few of the respectful behaviours on display. In short, respect means treating everyone and
everything with care. The golden rule is to treat others the way you would like to be treated.
Well done to all students who have shown exceptional respectful interactions, keep up the excellent work.
“I Can Statements”
These statements are directly linked to the Victorian Curriculum and made available in child and family friendly
speak, to assist everyone in understanding the learning for this term. We do this to make learning visible and
prepare for the learning.
Prep 2025 Transition
Tomorrow, Friday 25th October, we host our first Prep Transition day, commencing at 2.30pm, where we will
welcome our new Preps for 2025. This is always an exciting time for families and our school. There will be
another transition day on Friday 15th November.
Grade Placements for 2025
This is the time of the year when we start to explore class structures and carefully consider the best resourcing to
meet student needs. Throughout November and early December, we will be working on our class structures and
student combinations for next year. A great deal of thought, planning and time goes into placing students into
classes. Every effort is made to place each child in a learning environment that is engaging, caring and productive.
Information from parents is welcomed as part of the decision–making process, and we now invite parents to write
to us about any requests they may have for their child’s educational needs.
We do not accept requests for placement with individual teachers, however, we do take into consideration
relevant information, based on educational needs, which can help us with the placement process. Requests are to
be addressed directly to me and will be considered, but cannot be guaranteed. All requests must be in writing and
submitted no later than Thursday 14th November 2024.
Swimming Programme
Details of our upcoming swimming programme have been released on your
Compass portal. The programme is an integral part of the curriculum and we
expect that all students participate. The cost of the programme is $70.00 per
student. Payment can be made via CSEF (check with office for any balances
available), EFTPOS and cash. Please don’t hesitate to contact the office should
you require any assistance.
Warm regards,
Shaun Bishop
Foundation: I Can Statements Term 4, 2024
Number Non–Number
I can connect number names and
numerals up to 20.
I can use counting strategies to solve
problems that involve adding,
subtracting and division.
I can recognise Australian coins
according to their value.
I can order the first 10 elements of a
I can represent, continue and create
simple patterns.
I can identify simple shapes in their
I can sort shapes by their common features.
I can use simple statements and gestures to
describe location.
I can sort familiar data into sets.
I can use data to answer yes/no questions.
I can make simple true/false statements
about the data.
Writing Reading
I can use familiar words to convey
I can show evidence of letter and
sound knowledge.
I can use capital letters and full stops.
I can correctly form all upper– and
lower–case letters.
I can retell the story in sequence.
I can ask and answer questions about what I
I can make connections between texts and
my personal experience.
I can read short predictable texts.
I can identify all the letters of the alphabet
in both upper– and lower–case.
I know and can use the sounds represented
by most letters.
Number Non–Number
I can connect number names and
numerals up to 20.
I can use counting strategies to solve
problems that involve adding,
subtracting and division.
I can recognise Australian coins
according to their value.
I can order the first 10 elements of a
I can represent, continue and create
simple patterns.
I can identify simple shapes in their
I can sort shapes by their common features.
I can use simple statements and gestures to
describe location.
I can sort familiar data into sets.
I can use data to answer yes/no questions.
I can make simple true/false statements
about the data.
Writing Reading
I can use familiar words to convey
I can show evidence of letter and
sound knowledge.
I can use capital letters and full stops.
I can correctly form all upper– and
lower–case letters.
I can retell the story in sequence.
I can ask and answer questions about what I
I can make connections between texts and
my personal experience.
I can read short predictable texts.
I can identify all the letters of the alphabet
in both upper– and lower–case.
I know and can use the sounds represented
by most letters.
Year 1/2 – I Can Statements Term 4, 2024
Number Non–Number
I can partition and rearrange numbers
up to 1,000 in hundreds, tens (Year 2).
I can partition and rearrange numbers
up to 100 in hundreds, tens (Year 1).
I can divide a group of things into frac-
I can describe a half as one of two equal
parts of a whole (Year 1).
I can identify quarter and eighth of a
shape ( Year 2).
I can show division by grouping into
equal shares.
I can describe number patterns and
identify missing parts of a pattern.
I can add small collections of
Australian coins.
I can measure the capacity of different
containers using informal units.
I can measure and compare the weight of
objects using balance scales.
I can collect, check and classify data.
Writing Reading
I can write a persuasive text with rea-
sons to support my opinion and a con-
I can create simple rhyming poems.
I can research and write a simple infor-
mation report about an animal.
I can write in variety of genres.
I can make text to self, text to world and
text to text connections.
I can identify the main idea and important
details of a text.
I can identify features of a fiction and non–
fiction text.
I can infer to help me understand the text.
I can hear rhymes in a poem.
Number Non–Number
I can partition and rearrange numbers
up to 1,000 in hundreds, tens (Year 2).
I can partition and rearrange numbers
up to 100 in hundreds, tens (Year 1).
I can divide a group of things into frac-
I can describe a half as one of two equal
parts of a whole (Year 1).
I can identify quarter and eighth of a
shape ( Year 2).
I can show division by grouping into
equal shares.
I can describe number patterns and
identify missing parts of a pattern.
I can add small collections of
Australian coins.
I can measure the capacity of different
containers using informal units.
I can measure and compare the weight of
objects using balance scales.
I can collect, check and classify data.
Writing Reading
I can write a persuasive text with rea-
sons to support my opinion and a con-
I can create simple rhyming poems.
I can research and write a simple infor-
mation report about an animal.
I can write in variety of genres.
I can make text to self, text to world and
text to text connections.
I can identify the main idea and important
details of a text.
I can identify features of a fiction and non–
fiction text.
I can infer to help me understand the text.
I can hear rhymes in a poem.
Year 3/4 – I Can Statements Term 4 2024
Number & Algebra Geometric Reasoning / Location &
I can recall multiplication facts up to 10 ×
10 and related division facts.
I can use multiplication and division
number sentences to solve unknown
I can select and apply efficient mental
and written math strategies to solve
problems involving the four operations.
Use a function machine as a model to
apply mathematical rules.
I can demonstrate flips, slides, half turn
and quarter turn of shapes.
I can create tessellations.
I can classify angles using their angle
names (acute angle, obtuse angle, right
angle, reflex angle).
I can explain how to use, legends and
directions when interpreting information
on maps.
Writing Reading
I can plan, draft and publish an
explanation text.
I can plan, draft and publish an original
text from ideas created in my Writers
I can write with increasing
I can correctly use punctuation such as
capital letters, commas, full stops and
quotation marks in my writing.
I can reread and edit my own and other
people’s work using a criterion.
I can use questioning to help me better
understand a text.
I can ask thick and thin questions before,
during and after reading a text.
I can summarise short texts.
I can describe different text types and
explain their purposes.
I can compare and contrast content from
various text types.
Number & Algebra Geometric Reasoning / Location &
I can recall multiplication facts up to 10 ×
10 and related division facts.
I can use multiplication and division
number sentences to solve unknown
I can select and apply efficient mental
and written math strategies to solve
problems involving the four operations.
Use a function machine as a model to
apply mathematical rules.
I can demonstrate flips, slides, half turn
and quarter turn of shapes.
I can create tessellations.
I can classify angles using their angle
names (acute angle, obtuse angle, right
angle, reflex angle).
I can explain how to use, legends and
directions when interpreting information
on maps.
Writing Reading
I can plan, draft and publish an
explanation text.
I can plan, draft and publish an original
text from ideas created in my Writers
I can write with increasing
I can correctly use punctuation such as
capital letters, commas, full stops and
quotation marks in my writing.
I can reread and edit my own and other
people’s work using a criterion.
I can use questioning to help me better
understand a text.
I can ask thick and thin questions before,
during and after reading a text.
I can summarise short texts.
I can describe different text types and
explain their purposes.
I can compare and contrast content from
various text types.
Year 4/5 – I Can Statements Term 4 2024
Number & Algebra Geometric Reasoning / Location &
I can recall multiplication facts up to 10 ×
10 and related division facts.
I can use multiplication and division
number sentences to solve for unknown
quantities in a variety of math problems.
I can explain how equivalent number
sentences help me find unknown values
in multiplication and division problems.
I can select and apply efficient mental
and written math strategies to solve
problems involving the four operations.
I can identify the factors and multiples of
whole numbers and explain their
I can use factors and multiples to solve
mathematical problems, including finding
common factors and multiples.
I can explain the effect of flips, slides, half
turn and quarter turn.
I can describe how translations, rotations
and reflections change different shapes.
I can explain how to use scales, legends
and directions when interpreting
information on maps.
I can create tessellations.
I can use the Cartesian coordinate system
to locate and interpret points, lines and
I can explain what symmetry is and how
to identify it.
I can classify angles using their angle
names (acute angle, obtuse angle, right
angle, reflex angle).
I can estimate and measure angles in
degrees using a protractor.
Writing Reading
I can plan, draft and publish an
explanation text.
I can use persuasive techniques such as
hyperbole, evidence and rhetorical
I can plan, draft and publish a persuasive
I can write with increasing
I can correctly use punctuation such as
capital letters, commas, full stops and
quotation marks in my writing.
I can reread and edit my own and other
people’s work using a criterion.
I can use questioning to help me better
understand a text.
I can ask thick and thin questions before,
during and after reading a text.
I can summarise short texts.
I can describe different text types and
explain their purposes.
I can apply comprehension strategies to
interpret and analyse information and
ideas from different textual sources,
including media and digital texts.
I can compare and contrast content from
various types of texts to evaluate their
perspectives and effectiveness in
conveying information.
Number & Algebra Geometric Reasoning / Location &
I can recall multiplication facts up to 10 ×
10 and related division facts.
I can use multiplication and division
number sentences to solve for unknown
quantities in a variety of math problems.
I can explain how equivalent number
sentences help me find unknown values
in multiplication and division problems.
I can select and apply efficient mental
and written math strategies to solve
problems involving the four operations.
I can identify the factors and multiples of
whole numbers and explain their
I can use factors and multiples to solve
mathematical problems, including finding
common factors and multiples.
I can explain the effect of flips, slides, half
turn and quarter turn.
I can describe how translations, rotations
and reflections change different shapes.
I can explain how to use scales, legends
and directions when interpreting
information on maps.
I can create tessellations.
I can use the Cartesian coordinate system
to locate and interpret points, lines and
I can explain what symmetry is and how
to identify it.
I can classify angles using their angle
names (acute angle, obtuse angle, right
angle, reflex angle).
I can estimate and measure angles in
degrees using a protractor.
Writing Reading
I can plan, draft and publish an
explanation text.
I can use persuasive techniques such as
hyperbole, evidence and rhetorical
I can plan, draft and publish a persuasive
I can write with increasing
I can correctly use punctuation such as
capital letters, commas, full stops and
quotation marks in my writing.
I can reread and edit my own and other
people’s work using a criterion.
I can use questioning to help me better
understand a text.
I can ask thick and thin questions before,
during and after reading a text.
I can summarise short texts.
I can describe different text types and
explain their purposes.
I can apply comprehension strategies to
interpret and analyse information and
ideas from different textual sources,
including media and digital texts.
I can compare and contrast content from
various types of texts to evaluate their
perspectives and effectiveness in
conveying information.
Year 5/6 – I Can Statements Term 4 2024
Number and Algebra Geometric Reasoning / Location &
I can use multiplication and division
number sentences to solve for
unknown quantities in a variety of
math problems.
I can explain how equivalent number
sentences help me find unknown
values in multiplication and division
I can select and apply efficient mental
and written math strategies to solve
problems involving the four
I can identify the factors and
multiples of whole numbers and
explain their relationships.
I can use factors and multiples to
solve mathematical problems,
including finding common factors and
I can apply my understanding of
prime, composite, square, and
triangular numbers to solve problems
and classify numbers.
I can identify and describe the
properties of prime and composite
numbers, and explain how they
I can estimate and measure angles in
degrees using a protractor accurately.
I can compare and classify angles based on
their measurements, such as acute, obtuse,
or right angles.
I can investigate and explain the properties
of angles on a straight line, at a point, and
vertically opposite angles.
I can use my understanding of these angle
properties to calculate unknown angles in
various geometric situations.
I can explore and describe how combinations
of transformations, such as translation,
rotation, and reflection, affect simple and
composite shapes.
I can create and analyse tessellations by
applying various transformations to shapes,
and explain how these transformations
contribute to the tessellation pattern.
I can identify and describe the four
quadrants of the Cartesian coordinate
system and plot points accurately within
each quadrant.
I can use the Cartesian coordinate system to
locate and interpret points, lines, and shapes
in all four quadrants
Number and Algebra Geometric Reasoning / Location &
I can use multiplication and division
number sentences to solve for
unknown quantities in a variety of
math problems.
I can explain how equivalent number
sentences help me find unknown
values in multiplication and division
I can select and apply efficient mental
and written math strategies to solve
problems involving the four
I can identify the factors and
multiples of whole numbers and
explain their relationships.
I can use factors and multiples to
solve mathematical problems,
including finding common factors and
I can apply my understanding of
prime, composite, square, and
triangular numbers to solve problems
and classify numbers.
I can identify and describe the
properties of prime and composite
numbers, and explain how they
I can estimate and measure angles in
degrees using a protractor accurately.
I can compare and classify angles based on
their measurements, such as acute, obtuse,
or right angles.
I can investigate and explain the properties
of angles on a straight line, at a point, and
vertically opposite angles.
I can use my understanding of these angle
properties to calculate unknown angles in
various geometric situations.
I can explore and describe how combinations
of transformations, such as translation,
rotation, and reflection, affect simple and
composite shapes.
I can create and analyse tessellations by
applying various transformations to shapes,
and explain how these transformations
contribute to the tessellation pattern.
I can identify and describe the four
quadrants of the Cartesian coordinate
system and plot points accurately within
each quadrant.
I can use the Cartesian coordinate system to
locate and interpret points, lines, and shapes
in all four quadrants
Year 5/6 – I Can Statements Term 4 2024 (Continued)
Writing Reading
I can plan, draft and publish an
explanation text.
I can use persuasive techniques such
as hyperbole, evidence and rhetorical
I can plan, draft and publish a
persuasive text.
I can write with increasing
I can correctly use punctuation such
as capital letters, commas, full stops
and quotation marks in my writing.
I can reread and edit my own and
other people’s work using a criterion.
I can create detailed texts and make
presentations that elaborate on key
ideas for different purposes and
I can show how specific details
support a point of view in my writing.
I can choose language enhance my
text, and use a variety of words to
create detailed and engaging texts for
different purposes and audiences.
I can apply my understanding of
grammar and vocabulary to enhance
my writing, while using accurate
spelling and punctuation to ensure
I can provide feedback on my peers’
work, make editorial choices based
on agreed criteria.
I can use questioning to help me better
understand a text.
I can ask thick and thin questions before,
during and after reading a text.
I can summarise passages/texts and make
I can describe different text types and
explain their purposes.
I can select and navigate through complex
texts effectively, using appropriate strategies
to recall key information and deepen my
understanding of the material.
I can apply text processing techniques to
interpret and consolidate meaning from
increasingly challenging texts for different
I can apply comprehension strategies to
interpret and analyse information and ideas
from different textual sources, including
media and digital texts.
I can compare and contrast content from
various types of texts to evaluate their
perspectives and effectiveness in conveying
Writing Reading
I can plan, draft and publish an
explanation text.
I can use persuasive techniques such
as hyperbole, evidence and rhetorical
I can plan, draft and publish a
persuasive text.
I can write with increasing
I can correctly use punctuation such
as capital letters, commas, full stops
and quotation marks in my writing.
I can reread and edit my own and
other people’s work using a criterion.
I can create detailed texts and make
presentations that elaborate on key
ideas for different purposes and
I can show how specific details
support a point of view in my writing.
I can choose language enhance my
text, and use a variety of words to
create detailed and engaging texts for
different purposes and audiences.
I can apply my understanding of
grammar and vocabulary to enhance
my writing, while using accurate
spelling and punctuation to ensure
I can provide feedback on my peers’
work, make editorial choices based
on agreed criteria.
I can use questioning to help me better
understand a text.
I can ask thick and thin questions before,
during and after reading a text.
I can summarise passages/texts and make
I can describe different text types and
explain their purposes.
I can select and navigate through complex
texts effectively, using appropriate strategies
to recall key information and deepen my
understanding of the material.
I can apply text processing techniques to
interpret and consolidate meaning from
increasingly challenging texts for different
I can apply comprehension strategies to
interpret and analyse information and ideas
from different textual sources, including
media and digital texts.
I can compare and contrast content from
various types of texts to evaluate their
perspectives and effectiveness in conveying